Men and Gender Equality
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What Impact do Interventions with Men and Boys have on the prevention of Gender-Based Violence: A Synthesis of Experiences and Evidence.
The study tried to analyse the several interventions done with boys and men and how it has impacted various kinds of gender-based violence.
A Different Reality
A study of changes in Men around Violence Against Women and gender discrimination based on work with MASVAW. It was based on nine case stories of men who had undergone changes after their association with MASVAW. The study was later published in a peer reviewed journal.
Men Who Care – This qualitative study was part of a multi-country project exploring masculinities among men who were involved in care related work either in their homes or in their profession. The study was based on life-stories of 19 men across several locations.
- Review of Programmes, Projects and Interventions to engage men and boys in the fight against Gender Based Violence – Alessandra Orifinopoubel
- Men and Caring : Sexual and Reproductive health related partnerships and fatherhood behaviour of men associated with MASVAW in U.P – Emily, 2011
- Reviewing responsibilities and renewing relationships: an intervention with men on violence against women in Ιndia
- Changing Men Challenging Stereotypes: Reflections on working with men on gender issues in India
- Are Masculinities Changing? Ethnographic exploration of a gender intervention with men in rural Maharashtra
- Changing Men to Change Gender: Combatting Hegemonic Masculinity to through Anti-violence Activism in Northern India,
- Process and impact evaluation of a community gender equality intervention with young men in Rajasthan, India