Our Journey
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Throughout our journey, CHSJ has made significant contributions to improving the health and socio-economic status of marginalized communities, particularly women, across several states in India. We have positively impacted the lives of 339,162 families in 1,040 villages across 7 states. Our community-based approaches have successfully enhanced women’s access to health entitlements and increased men’s involvement in promoting women’s safety and empowerment.
Through evidence-based engagement with public functionaries and authorities at the local, state, and national levels, we have improved the implementation of public programs and the delivery of entitlements in 1,200 villages, 100 districts, and 9 states. Our collaborative efforts with practitioner networks, such as the Ek Saath Campaign, have enabled us to engage men and boys for gender equality in 7 states. We have also partnered with 15 networks, 200 NGO partners, and 9 states to address issues of discrimination against women and girls.

Phase1 (2005-2010)
- Strengthening Community Participation and Accountability in the NRHM
- Equity in Access to Healthcare Services
- Community Monitoring of NRHM
- Rapid Assessment of NRHM
- Equity in Access to Healthcare Services
- Rapid Assessment of NRHM implementation (Ph 2)
- Supporting Community Participation in State NRHM Implementation
- Community-based Health Expenditure monitoring
- Swadhikar – Securing of Health rights by marginalised Communities
- Capacity Building on Health Governance and Social Exclusion
- Strengthening Learning Communities on Social Accountability in Health
- Access to Health for Women Bidi Workers
- Social Accountability and Marginalised Communities Coordinating COPASAH Global Secretariat
- Hosting Global Symposium on Citizenship Governance and Accountability in Health
- Advocacy on Population and Development
- Access to Safe Abortion Initiatives
- Quality of Care and Informed Consent of Family Planning Programmes
- Advocacy Training on Reproductive Rights
- Supporting Women’s Right to Maternal Health
- Gaps and Gains – Reviewing ICPD + 15 in India
- Advocacy on the Two Child Norm in Bihar
- Monitoring Family Planning QoC Standards
- Community monitoring of FP service delivery
- Field Review of Maternal Health Rights
- Community Monitoring of Maternal Health services
- Community monitoring of FP service delivery
- Building Capacity on Social Accountability and Reproductive Health rights
- Delivering Youth Friendly Services – Training of Providers
- Field Review of Programming for Maternal Health Rights Maternal Health and Rights Campaign MP
- Strengthening Coalitions for Reproductive Health Advocacy
- Reproductive Health Observatory
- Coalition Building on Working on Men for Gender Equality
- Research on Men and Gender
- Field Interventions for Change
- Technical Support to other Organisations
- Engaging Men to End VAW in UP
- Samajhdar Jodidar ( Caring Partner) in Maharashtra
- Kishor Varta (Adolescent Voices) – in Rajasthan
- Sajhedar (Partner) in Madhya Pradesh
- Yuva Samanta (Youth For Equality) in RajashtanResearch
- Fathers Care – A Campaign in Four States
- Repositioning Family Planning : Men Who Care – in Maharashtra
- Building Capacity on Men Masculinities (SANAM) Hosting 2nd MenEngage Global Symposium
- Men as Responsible Partners and Caring Fathers, Jharkhand
- Partnering for Change, UP and W Bengal
- Technical Support to Organisations
- EkSaath National Campaign Supporting Networks and Coalitions
- South Asia Regional Training
- Breaking the Cycle on Gender Based Violence
- Building Knowledge from Practice