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RAHP Phase 1 – The collection of studies emerging from the first round of RAHP were published as an edited volume
Reaching the Unreached: Rapid Assessment of Health Programme Implementation in India
Co-edited by Amy Hagopian, Peter House and Abhijit Das. Has Janani Suraksha Yojana Stimulated Institutional Delivery? A Study in Una District of Himachal Pradesh – Deepak Kumar, Manisha and Archana Dwivedi Have the Supreme Court Guidelines made a Difference? A Study of Quality of Care of Women’s Sterilization in Five States – Jayeeta Chowdhury, Melissa Lairenlakpam and Abhijit Das
Assessing the Readiness of CHCs to Deliver Emergency Obstetric Care: A study in Wardha District, Maharashtra – Abhay Gaidhane and ZahirRaziQuazi To What Extent Are ASHAs Able to Perform Their Assigned Roles ? A Study of Muzaffarpur District in Bihar – Alok Lodh, M Haque, Pranita Singh, Dinesh Singh Dipu, Sushil Kumar and Gitanjali Priti Bhatia
Assessing the Preparedness of CHCs as First Referral Units in Meghalaya – IbadasuklinKharshandi and Mornrina J Nongkynrih Assessing the Readiness of the Health System to Address Maternal Mortality: A Study in Uttar Pradesh – Jashodhara Dasgupta, Chesta Sharma and Saim Md Khan Does Community Monitoring Improve Delivery of Maternal Health Services? Examining the Role of VHSC in Mayurbhanj District, Orissa – Jiban Krushna Behera, Sudharani Acharya and Sunita Sing h
Role of the Sahiyya in Delivering ANC Services: A Study in East Singbhum District, Jharkhand – Isita Ray and Nandalal Baksi Role of JSY in Institutional Deliver y: A Study in Churachandpur District, Manipur – Peter ZM Hangmi and Jamhen Kuki
RAHP Phase 2
- Working together? Convergence and Coordination related to the functioning of ASHAs in Chhindwara District Madhya Pradesh – Madhya Pradesh
- How does NRHM help Tribal Women? A Study of Financial Incentives for Maternal Health Services in Heggadadevanakote Taluk, Mysore District, Karnataka – SVYM, Karnataka
- A Qualitative Assessment: Determinants of Utilisation of Maternal Health Services among Scheduled Castes and Muslims in Patna District – CHARM, Bihar
- Continuing Concerns: An Assessment of Quality of Care and Consequences of Female Sterilization in Bundi District of Rajasthan – MANJARI, Rajasthan
- Needless Loss: Identifying solutions for making pregnancies safer through maternal death audits in Jharkhand – NEEDS, Jharkhand
- Tied, Untied fund? Assessment of Village Health and Sanitation Committee involvement in Utilisation of Untied Fund in Rajasthan – CHEERS, Rajasthan
- Still Underserved: Exploring Provision and Utilisation of Health care Services from 24X7 PHCs in 3 Districts of West Bengal – CINI, West Bangal
- Beyond Delivery: Assessing Postpartum Care and Complications in District Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh – SAHAYOG, Uttar Pradesh
- Still some way to go: Communitisation of Health Services among Dalit Community – PARA, Andhra Pradesh
- Adhering to IPHS Guidelines: A Study of the Health Facilities in Sheikhpura District of Bihar – BVHA, Bihar

Other Studies
CHSJ collaborated with well known Universities like University of Washington USA and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Masters Students conducted their thesis research under our guidance. Some of the research included:
- Contracting out to improve maternal health: Evaluating the QoC under the Chiranjeevi Yojana in Gujarat, India – Farouk Muhammad Jega, 2007
- Systems, Stigma and Satisfaction: Quality of Maternal Care for Women Living with HIV in Uttar Pradesh, India – Jenna Udren
CHSJ collaborated with well known Universities like University of Washington USA and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Masters Students conducted their thesis research under our guidance. Some of the research included: