Series: Best Practices in South Asia of Engaging Men and Boys to Transform Gender Discriminatory Practices
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Series: Best Practices in South Asia of Engaging Men and Boys to Transform Gender Discriminatory Practices
Five case studies have been put together by the Centre for Health and Social Justice (CHSJ) in the series ‘Best Practices in South Asia of Engaging Men and Boys to Transform Gender Discriminatory Practices’. These are practices developed by MenEngage South Asia network’s member organisations in Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh and India. The purpose of developing these case studies is to provide increased visibility to organisations and issues related to work with men on masculinity, gender based violence, sexual and reproductive health rights and gender equality. The five case studies are:
- Engaging Men and Boys Against the Practice of Chhaupadi in Nepal
- ‘Awaaz Do’ (Speak Up) – Engaging Youth to Address Violence Against Women in Odisha, India
- Engaging Men and Boys for Gender Equality in Sri Lanka – Resisting ‘Karumaya‘ (The Fate Of Women)
- Using Communications For Exploring Masculinities – Work With Young Men In Urban India
- Engaging Boys And Men To Stop Acid Violence In Bangladesh